Thomas Hutchinson (governor)

Thomas Hutchinson
Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
In office
2 August 1769 – 17 May 1774
Acting until 14 March 1771
Lieutenant Andrew Oliver
Preceded by Francis Bernard
Succeeded by Thomas Gage
Acting Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
In office
3 June 1760 – 2 August 1760
Preceded by Thomas Pownall
Succeeded by Francis Bernard
Personal details
Born 9 September 1711
Boston, Massachusetts Bay
British America
Died 3 June 1780(1780-06-03) (aged 68)
Brompton, Middlesex
Great Britain
Political party Loyalist
Profession politician, businessman
Religion Anglican

Thomas Hutchinson (9 September 1711 – 3 June 1780) was a businessman, historian, and a prominent Loyalist politician of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in the years before the American Revolution. A successful businessman, Hutchinson was active at high levels of the Massachusetts government for many years, serving as lieutenant governor and then governor from 1758 to 1774. He was a politically polarizing figure who, despite initial opposition to Parliamentary tax laws directed at the colonies, came to be identified by John Adams and Samuel Adams as a proponent of hated British taxes. He was blamed by Lord North (the British Prime Minister at the time) for being a significant contributor to the tensions that led the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War.[1]

Hutchinson's Boston mansion was ransacked in 1765 during protests against the Stamp Act, damaging his collection of materials on early Massachusetts history. As acting governor in 1770 he exposed himself to mob attack in the aftermath of the Boston massacre, after which he ordered the removal of troops from Boston to Castle William. Letters of his calling for abridgement of colonial rights were published in 1773, further intensifying dislike of him in the colony. He was replaced as governor in May 1774 by General Thomas Gage, and went into exile in England, where he advised the government on how to deal with the Americans.

Hutchinson had a deep interest in colonial history, collecting a large number of historical documents. He wrote a three volume History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, whose last volume, published posthumously, covered his own period in office. Historian Bernard Bailyn wrote of Hutchinson, "If there was one person in America whose actions might have altered the outcome [of the protests and disputes preceding the American Revolutionary War], it was he."[2]


Early life

Thomas Hutchinson was born on 9 September 1711 in the North End of Boston, the fourth of twelve children of Thomas and Sarah Foster Hutchinson.[3] Descended from early New England settlers (including Anne Hutchinson), his parents were both from well-to-do merchant families. His father continued in the trade, but was also active in political, military, and charitable circles and served on the provincial council.[4]

Young Thomas entered Harvard College at twelve, graduating in 1727.[5] His father introduced him to the business world early, and he displayed remarkable business acumen. According to his autobiographical sketch of his childhood, Hutchinson turned a modest gift of "five quintals of fish" from his father into between £400 and £500 by the time he was 21.[6] In 1732 he received some exposure to politics when he accompanied Governor Jonathan Belcher on a voyage to to Casco Bay for negotiations with the Abenaki of Maine, then part of Massachusetts. The voyage was made in a vessel of which Hutchinson was part owner.[7] In 1734 he married Margaret Sanford, a granddaughter of Rhode Island Governor Peleg Sanford. The Sanford and Hutchinson families had a long history of business and personal connections; Margaret was in fact a distant relative.[8]

Legislator and councillor

In 1737 Hutchinson entered politics. He was elected a Boston selectman, and later in the year, to a seat in the General Court.[9] He spoke out against the province's practice of issuing bills of credit (as a form of paper currency), whose inflationary drop in value wrought havoc in the economy. This position was unpopular with the populist party in the province, and Hutchinson was voted out in the 1739 election.[10] He was sent to England as an agent to plead on behalf of property owners affected by King George II's decision that determined the border between Massachusetts and New Hampshire significantly to New Hampshire's benefit. Hutchinson's embassy was unsuccessful, although when he returned he brought a bequest to Harvard College for the construction of a new chapel, which still stands today, called Holden Chapel.[11]

In 1742 he was again elected to the General Court, where he served until 1749; from 1746 to 1749 he was the body's speaker.[12] His continued advocacy of currency reforms so annoyed the populist faction that the need to guard his properties in Boston and Milton was discussed.[13] When the British government was convinced to refund the province's expense for mounting the 1745 Louisbourg expedition, Hutchinson seized upon the idea of using the massive payment (about £180,000 in gold and silver) to retire the province's paper currency. Despite significant opposition, Hutchinson successfully navigated a bill implementing the idea through the assembly's general court in 1749; it received the agreement of the Governor's Council, and also the signature of Governor William Shirley. Many of the bill's opponents were pleasantly surprised when the exchange of paper for specie did not cause any financial shocks, and Hutchinson's popularity soared.[14]

Despite the success, Hutchinson was voted out of the assembly in 1749. He was, however, immediately appointed to the Governor's Council.[15] In 1750 he was chairman of a commission to arrange a treaty with the Indians in the District of Maine, which was then part of Massachusetts, and he served on boundary commissions to settle disputes with Connecticut and Rhode Island. In 1752 he was appointed judge of probate and a justice of the Common Pleas. In 1754, as a delegate from Massachusetts to the Albany Convention, he took a leading part in the discussions and favored Benjamin Franklin's plan for colonial union.

Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts

In 1758 he was appointed lieutenant governor, serving under Thomas Pownall. Hutchinson's relationship with Pownall was awkward, for Pownall was at the center of political activities that dislodged Governor Shirley, under whose patronage Hutchinson had risen in power and influence. Pownall cultivated relations with the populist factions in the state, and sought to remove the influence of Shirley supporters, sometimes asking Hutchinson to turn against people he had earlier supported. This Hutchinson refused to do, since he saw these activities as harming the province's stability and taking place at "the caprice of the governor".[16] Pownall, whose mistrust of Hutchinson was reciprocated, requested leave to return to England in late 1759. The political opposition of Shirley supporters and the death of some of his leading populist supporters may have contributed to this decision.[17] He departed the province on June 3, 1760, leaving Hutchinson as acting governor.[18] Several months later Pownall's replacement, Francis Bernard, arrived to take the reins of power.[19]

Writs of assistance

One of Bernard's early acts was the appointment of Hutchinson instead of James Otis, Sr., as Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. This action by itself turned the province's populists, whose vocal leaders included Otis and his son James Jr., against both Hutchinson and Bernard, with long term consequences to Hutchinson's reputation. Hutchinson, with no legal training, had not sought the post, and some legal minds, notably a rising young lawyer named John Adams, were also outraged.[20]

In 1761 Hutchinson brought upon himself a storm of protest and criticism by issuing writs of assistance, documents that essentially authorized arbitrary searches by customs officials. Although some been issued (ironically over Hutchinson's objections) in earlier years, and the writs he authorized were in some cases renewals of existing writs necessitated by the accession of King George III to the throne, Adams and the Otises seized on the issue to rail against his monopolization of power (since he was also a lieutenant governor and sat on the council) and lack of legal qualifications for the post of chief justice.[21]

Taxes and the Stamp Act

When the Sugar Act was being discussed in Parliament in 1763, proposals were put forward to send Hutchinson to England to represent the colony's opposition to the proposal. Governor Bernard, however, objected to sending the sitting lieutenant governor, and the bill was enacted. Much colonial protest followed, and Hutchinson was in agreement with vocal opponents like the Otises (who around this time began using the phrase "no taxation without representation") that the law harmed the Massachusetts economy.[22] In the ensuing debates, however, differences emerged between Hutchinson and others over Parliament's supremacy and the feasibility of having formal colonial representation there.[23]

In debates leading up to the passage of the 1765 Stamp Act, both Hutchinson and Bernard quietly warned London not to proceed. Hutchinson in particular wrote that "It cannot be good to tax the Americans ... You will lose more than you gain."[24] When the assembly met to draft a petition to London on the matter in October 1764, Hutchinson opposed the inclusion of the radicals' language, and eventually pushed through a more moderate statement of opposition. However, the Massachusetts petition was seen as weak in comparison to those prepared by other colonies, and Hutchinson was widely castigated for secretly seeking to promote the Stamp Act, and was accused of "treachery" and "betraying his country".[25] News of the act's passage propelled one the most vocal opponents of Parliamentary supremacy, Samuel Adams, into a larger role in provincial politics.[26] Hutchinson supported calls for its repeal, but was at odds with the radical factions opposed to Parliament's power.[27]

Mob violence

Hutchinson's brother-in-law, colonial secretary Andrew Oliver, was given the job of "stamp master", with responsibility for implementing the act in the province. Although Hutchinson apparently had no hand in this assignment, his opponents were quick to accuse him of further duplicity.[28] His attempts to explain his position only fueled the opposition, and his early unpopular acts were recounted and his motives in those deeds questioned.[29] On August 13, 1765, mobs descended on Oliver's home and office, ransacking both. The next night Hutchinson's Boston mansion was surrounded, and the crowd demanded that he formally deny arguing in favor of the Stamp Act in his correspondence with London. He refused, and only the intervention of a moderate leader prevented any action that night.[30]

Twelve days later, on the evening of August 26, a mob again formed outside of his mansion, and this time they would not be denied. His house was broken into (Hutchinson and his family narrowly escaping), and systematically ransacked. The house finishings (wainscoting and other decorative woodwork) were effectively destroyed, and even the building's cupola was taken down in violence that lasted the entire night. The family silver, furniture, and other items were stolen or destroyed (although some items were eventually returned), and Hutchinson's collection of historically important manuscripts was scattered.[31] Hutchinson's detailed inventory (reprinted by biographer James Kendall Hosmer) valued the damage done at more than £2,200, and he eventually received over £3,100 from the province for his troubles.[32] Hutchinson and his family temporarily took refuge at Castle William,[33] and thereafter took up primary residence at Hutchinson's estate in Milton.

Governor of Massachusetts

Following the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766, the radical faction came to control the assembly, and Hutchinson was denied a seat on the governor's council. Amid increased furor after the passage of the 1767 Townshend Acts, Governor Bernard requested and received military troops to protect crown officials. Letters written by Bernard describing conditions in the province were acquired by the radical opposition and published, leading to his recall. Bernard left for England on August 1, 1769, leaving Hutchinson as acting governor. Hutchinson was unsuccessful in his attempts to distance himself from the unpopular Bernard administration, and he continued to be attacked in the assembly and the local press. Despite this, he continued to lobby for a formal appointment as governor. He categorically refused to again serve as lieutenant governor under another governor, preferring instead a posting elsewhere, or to resign the lieutenant governorship.

Hutchinson was still acting governor when protests over the Townshend taxes erupted into the Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770, when British soldiers fired into a crowd, killing five people.[34] Hutchinson went to the scene in the aftermath of the shooting, and promised that justice would be applied fairly. He had all of the British soldiers involved in the incident arrested the next day, but ongoing unrest in the city compelled him to request the withdrawal of British troops from the city to Castle William.[35] The soldiers were eventually tried, and two were convicted of manslaughter, although their sentences were reduced. The episode shook Hutchinson's confidence in his ability to manage affairs in the province, and he penned a resignation letter.[36]

Governor Bernard had, in the mean time, taken up Hutchinson's cause in London. In March 1771 Hutchinson's commission as governor arrived in Boston, having been approved by the king while his resignation letter was going the other way. (Colonial secretary Lord Hillsborough rejected his resignation.)[37] The instructions sent with the commission were fairly strict, and left Hutchinson relatively little room to maneuver politically. Things that particularly galled Samuel Adams included an instruction restricting the meetings of the governor's council, and another limiting the appointment of colonial agents to individuals having the governor's approval.[38]

One of Hutchinson's instructions was to relocate the provincial assembly from Boston to Cambridge, where it would be less under the influence of radical Boston politics. This modest demand, accomplished by executive order, resulted in howls of complaint of gubernatorial arbitrariness in the assembly, and an exchange of arguments, rebuttals, and counterarguments between Hutchinson and the assembly that ran for thousands of pages and lasted until 1772.[39] The nature of the affair furthered the radical cause, whose proponents painted Hutchinson's action as a bold and devious attempt to further the executive prerogative.[40] The radicals were further outraged when Hutchinson announced in 1772 that his salary, which had previously been subject to appropriation by the assembly, would be paid by the crown instead. This was seen by the radicals as a further usurpation of power that rightfully belonged in the province.

Letters affair and Tea Party

In 1772, some letters on colonial affairs written by Hutchinson and Andrew Oliver were obtained by Benjamin Franklin, then a colonial agent in London. These letters Franklin sent to the Massachusetts House Speaker Thomas Cushing, who was at the time relatively neutral in the ongoing political disputes. The letters eventually fell into radical hands, and were published in June 1773. In these private letters, written between 1767 and 1769 to Thomas Whately, a then-retired leading member of the British government in the 1760s, Hutchinson, among other inflammatory statements, recommended that popular government be taken away from the people "by degrees", and that there should be "abridgement of what are called English liberties". The last statement was made in the context of observing that the nature of rule by a distant Parliament effectively required a loss of some rights, but was shorn of this context in propagandistic analysis. The letters were reprinted throughout the colonies, and Hutchinson was burned in effigy in places as far off as Philadelphia in the uproar. The assembly drafted a petition to the Board of Trade demanding Hutchinson's removal from office, and Hutchinson requested leave to come to England. The petition would not be heard until early 1774.

In the meantime, Parliament had repealed most of the Townshend taxes (excepting only the one on tea), and passed the Tea Act, which authorized the British East India Company to ship tea directly to the colonies, eliminating colonial merchants from its supply chain and undercutting the prices of smuggled Dutch tea. This caused colonial merchants all over the North American colonies to organize opposition to the deliveries of the company's tea. In Massachusetts these actions culminated in the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773, in which the company's tea was dumped into the harbor. Hutchinson and his sons were among the businessmen to whom the company had intended to consign its tea, although Hutchinson apparently had no official role in the choice of consignee.

When the Board of Trade met to consider the assembly's petition to recall Hutchinson, it also discussed the tea party. Franklin, as colonial agent, was forced to listen to a barrage of criticism, and was dismissed as colonial postmaster general. The assembly's petition was dismissed as "groundless" and "vexatious", but Hutchinson's request for leave was granted. In May 1774 General Thomas Gage arrived in Boston to take over as governor, and to implement the "Coercive Acts" Parliament had passed as punishment for the tea party. Hutchinson sailed for England on June 1, 1774.


In England, he was consulted by Lord North in regard to American affairs; but his advice that a moderate policy be adopted, and his opposition to the Boston Port Bill, and the suspension of the Massachusetts charter, were not heeded.

While he was still acting governor, he was compelled to refuse a baronetcy because of the severe financial losses when his American estates and other property in Massachusetts were confiscated by the new government without compensation by the Crown. Bitter and disillusioned, Hutchinson, nevertheless, continued to work on his history of the colony which was the fruit of many decades of research. Two volumes were published in his lifetime. His History of Massachusetts Bay (volume i, 1764; volume ii, 1767; volume iii, 1828) a work of great historical value, calm, and judicious in the main, but considered by some to be entirely unphilosophical and lacking in style. His Diary and Letters was published in 1884–86. He died at Brompton, now a part of London, on 3 June 1780, aged 68.


Remains of Hutchinson's country estate in Milton have been preserved. Known as Governor Hutchinson's Field, it is owned by The Trustees of the Reservations, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is open to the public, and features a ha-ha constructed in Hutchinson's time.[41][42]



  1. ^ Bailyn, p. 5
  2. ^ Duffy, p. 2
  3. ^ Hosmer, p. 1
  4. ^ Bailyn, pp. 9–10
  5. ^ Hosmer, p. 2
  6. ^ Bailyn, p. 12
  7. ^ Hosmer, p. 3
  8. ^ Bailyn, pp. 12, 30
  9. ^ Hosmer, p. 4
  10. ^ Hosmer, pp. 21–22
  11. ^ Bailyn, p. 14
  12. ^ Hosmer, pp. 25–26
  13. ^ Hosmer, p. 26
  14. ^ Hosmer, pp. 27–30
  15. ^ Hosmer, p. 36
  16. ^ Bailyn, pp. 41–42
  17. ^ Waters and Schutz, p. 557
  18. ^ Bailyn, p. 44
  19. ^ Bailyn, p. 45
  20. ^ Bailyn, pp. 47–51
  21. ^ Bailyn, p. 54
  22. ^ Hosmer, pp. 72–73
  23. ^ Hosmer, pp. 74–75
  24. ^ Hosmer, p. 81
  25. ^ Bailyn, p. 65
  26. ^ Hosmer, p. 82
  27. ^ Hosmer, pp. 89–91
  28. ^ Edmund S. Morgan, "Thomas Hutchinson and the Stamp Act," New England Quarterly Vol. 21, No. 4 (Dec., 1948), pp. 459-492 in JSTOR
  29. ^ Bailyn, pp. 66–67
  30. ^ Bailyn, pp. 68–69
  31. ^ Hosmer, pp. 91–94
  32. ^ Hosmer, pp. 123,351–361
  33. ^ Hosmer, p. 98
  34. ^ Bailyn, p. 157
  35. ^ Bailyn, pp. 158–162
  36. ^ Bailyn, p. 164
  37. ^ Bailyn, pp. 164–166
  38. ^ Bailyn, p. 169
  39. ^ Bailyn, p. 171
  40. ^ Bailyn, p. 173
  41. ^ "About Governor's Field". The Trustees of Reservations. Retrieved August 28, 2011. 
  42. ^ "National Register Information System". National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. 2009-03-13. 


This article incorporates text from an edition of the New International Encyclopedia that is in the public domain.

External links

Political offices
Preceded by
Thomas Pownall
Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay (acting)
3 June 1760 – 2 August 1760
Succeeded by
Francis Bernard
Preceded by
Francis Bernard
Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay (acting)
2 August 1769 – 14 March 1771
Succeeded by
himself as governor
Preceded by
himself as acting governor
Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
14 March 1771 – 17 May 1774
Succeeded by
Thomas Gage